Healthy Eating with a Home Personal Trainer

Rember that your mobile workout can include healthy eating with a home personal trainer.

If you really think your diet needs improving, now is the time to make some healthy changes. To help make healthy eating easier, a GYMGUYZ home personal trainer will provide tips and advice to keep you on track.

Eat five portions of fruit and veg a day

You should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Fruit and vegetables contain a many essential vitamins and minerals. They’re also a good source of fibre, so do eat a variety of different types.

Include wholegrain starchy foods with every meal

Starchy foods contain carbohydrates and needed to gain energy. You may think that starchy food is fattening. In actual fact, gram for gram, carbohydrates provide half as many calories as fat.

Eat reasonable amounts of protein – including two portions of fish per week

Important proteins are meat, fish, beans, pulses, eggs and nuts – and we should aim to include moderate amounts in our diet. Proteins are needed to grow and repair tissues in your body, as well as being a source of energy.

Limit the amount of red and processed meat

For example, sausages and beef burgers as these foods often contain lots of fat and salt. They could also increase your risk of bowel cancer. Most types of meat are high in fat, so always ensure you cut off any extra fat and skin.

Include some calcium-rich dairy foods or alternatives

Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt are a good source of calcium, which are required to keep our bones strong. They are also a good source of protein and vitamins.

Swap saturated for unsaturated fats

Fats are a good source of energy, such as helping to transport essential vitamins around your body. They are important, but you don’t need very much – most of us need to eat less.

Cut down on foods high in salt and sugar

Many of us consume too much sugar. Some foods, most fresh fruit, contain some natural sugars. However, sugars are also added to many foods such as sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolates and fizzy drinks.

Watch that salt you have in your diet. Salt is added to many processed food products during the manufacturing process to add flavour, texture or for preservation. Eating too much is can be linked to high blood pressure.

Do keep hydrated

The Eat Well Guide recommends that we should be aiming to drink around six to eight glasses of fluid a day. Please do note: if you’re getting enough fluids, as your urine should be a pale, straw colour. If you’re not drinking enough, it’ll be darker, and you’ll also feel thirsty.

Healthy Eating with a Home Personal Trainer

To burn calories, you must keep active as it goes a long way to burn those calories you have eaten. By healthy eating with a home personal trainer, you can get nutritional information while enjoying a home workout.

Schedule your free assessment with a GYMGUYZ Home Personal Trainer and enjoy a healthy balanced lifestyle.
